Thursday, 31 May 2012

A Helping Hand

Husband has decided to help me lose weight.
He regulates my food portion size as I had said I didn't want to diet, just eat less.
He has bought me a second hand rowing machine. 
He steers me away from his stash of beers and points to the water tap.
He smiles lovingly, says "well done" and pinches my fat cheeks.

Husband is a skinny beanpole who loves food and beer but refuses to exercise.

But now I think of it, he probably eats less than me and he works very hard about the home and workplace. That's a lot of exercise. Granted, he likes his beer and has a small beer belly to prove it but he could probably get rid of that in no time at all.

So I have to do my bit. Husband really does care and wants to help. So I will exercise more and eat less. I will drink herbal teas and steal only small amounts of beer. The day will come when these cheeks are un-pinchable. Thanks hubby. Love you.


  1. Greetings, dear friend.

    Love had many ways of manifesting itself, and the willingness of one person to nurture and encourage another is possibly the most wondrous way. Best of luck on your path to a better quality of life; you deserve it

    Your beloved believes in you, and so do I.


  2. It's Marge! :)
    You both work very hard, you never stop. I have faith that you can do it, just don't make yourself poorly trying. You need energy to keep going like you do. Ask the goddess for help x

  3. It's good to have you back on board, Marge, and thank you for your kind comments. Jim's a good man and you both believe in me. That means everything.
    And, Pixie, you're right but I would probably have more energy with less weight to carry around. New bathroom scales have been purchased so the old ones will turn up soon.
    I mean business! XXX
