Last week, my sister phoned me to let me know she was worried about the amount of rubbish I was writing, that I was on a soapbox, was too angry but would never be able to change anything, so why not just stop my nonsense and go back to being the sister she misses.
She meant well, I love her, so I understand her concern.
My crime was to try to highlight some of the political and humanitarian outrages, injustices, tomfoolery, absurd and senseless idiocy that control our lives to an extreme and dangerous degree. I have tried to keep it relevant and have urged people to look and to think and to research for themselves.
Three things struck me as terribly sad. The first was that she asked me who on Earth I thought I was? The second was that she thought I had lost my faith. And the third, that she wanted me back "the way I used to be". When I put those three things together I realized she hadn't known me for a long, long time.
I have had tremendous faith throughout my life, although for a while I couldn't put a name to it....not that a name is ever necessary. I chose paganism, or the way of life chose me, opting for Nature's plentiful beauty and harvest, Her Yinyang complimentary opposites that interact through all existence, and careful use of extrasensory perception. I have always been these things; part of the Universe, part of Nature.
And, for the record, I added my voice to the scandal of jailing Robert Green for his brave and heroic efforts in finding justice for Hollie Greig. Robert is to be set free on 17th May. So, we can make changes and we should always try to do what is right and be who we are.
Little sis, we need to talk. XXX
You and I were blogging about this several years ago on Spaces, Ronnie; I empathise with what you've written here and reflect on the essays you wrote back then. Your sister's response to your stand isn't unlike the response with which my own activism and outspokenness were met back then and which continues to this day.
ReplyDeleteI understand your discontent and need to express it; I hope you never feel compelled to edit or modify your reactions to the injustice and evil in the world. You have a sensitive soul and strong sense of justice for which the powers-that-be hold little respect. I struggle with my own feelings of anger over the cruelty and absurdity rampant in politics and mainstream religion; saddest of all is that when I attempt to convey my displeasure no one is interested. I suppose that everyone has to come to the truth in their own time, in their own way.
I think of how much happiness the human species could enjoy if it stopped the paranoia, territorial thinking, and obsession with power and control so pervasive today. It's hard to be patient in the meantime; there's so much hate and harm, and the ones hurt the most are the children.
May times of enlightenment, harmony, and acceptance come to us one day, and may we each do our part to hasten its coming.
May it be.
Much love, my friend.
Mmmm, this was a difficult one, marge. What I didn't say was that this sister is the only one who talks to me and that is now becoming less often.
ReplyDeleteYes, we must allow people to see the truth in their own time and in their own way, but it is so obvious to us that it's difficult to imagine that it can't be seen by others.
I don't want to lose my family but they can't cope with me being so different.
It'll come right.
Your good friend,
Ronnie. XXX