Thursday, 26 April 2012

Mud, mud, glorious mud....

I have grown into a hippopotamus  over the last few years. That man of mine feeds me far too well. So, last night when I was lying in bed but couldn't sleep, I decided to do something positive to help reduce my weight.

Being comfortable and relaxed, it was easy to begin self hypnosis. I kept my body totally relaxed, breathed slowly and rhythmically and felt the life-giving energies tingling through my being. I concentrated on my breathing and sunk deeper into a trance.  What a happy, contented and powerful place to be.

I already had my reasons for wanting to lose weight, so now I had to confirm them, gently but firmly so that I had good intentions and incentives to succeed;

  • One of the seven deadly sins is gluttony. When half the world is starving, it seems crass and immoral to eat more than is sufficient.
  • My weight is affecting my breathing at night, so my health is suffering.
  • I now have very few clothes to fit and I can't afford to buy more.
  • I want to feel good about myself and have energy and new vitality.
  • I have never enjoyed being a hippopotamus.
I repeated my reasons and my goal over and over until I felt ready to begin my venture. Then I drifted off to sleep.
I'm full of good intentions and doing well but I want to chart my progress and can't find my bathroom scales! They seem to have gone missing when we moved house. Very annoying. Anyway, I promise to keep you posted.

Tuesday, 24 April 2012


I have recently found true friendship at a time when it was desperately needed.
It's a crying shame that we sometimes wait until a crisis necessitates reaching out for comfort, reassurance and understanding, never really expecting to receive any solace or lessening of the heavy burden carried across a tormented, broken heart.
But, against all the odds, people were there for me. They managed to reach through the aching chasm to express their compassion and offer their wisdom and insight with sincerity.
"Thank you" doesn't seem enough. I want to repay this true friendship in any way I can; to let them know they helped save my life.

Monday, 23 April 2012


Last week, my sister phoned me to let me know she was worried about the amount of rubbish I was writing, that I was on a soapbox, was too angry but would never be able to change anything, so why not just stop my nonsense and go back to being the sister she misses.

She meant well, I love her, so I understand her concern.

My crime was to try to highlight some of the political and humanitarian outrages, injustices, tomfoolery, absurd and senseless idiocy that control our lives to an extreme and dangerous degree. I have tried to keep it relevant and have urged people to look and to think and to research for themselves.

Three things struck me as terribly sad. The first was that she asked me who on Earth I thought I was? The second was that she thought I had lost my faith. And the third, that she wanted me back "the way I used to be". When I put those three things together I realized she hadn't known me for a long, long time.

I have had tremendous faith throughout my life, although for a while I couldn't put a name to it....not that a name is ever necessary. I chose paganism, or the way of life chose me, opting for Nature's plentiful beauty and harvest, Her Yinyang complimentary opposites that interact through all existence, and careful use of extrasensory perception. I have always been these things; part of the Universe, part of Nature. 

And, for the record, I added my voice to the scandal of jailing Robert Green for his brave and heroic efforts in finding justice for Hollie Greig. Robert is to be set free on 17th May. So, we can make changes and we should always try to do what is right and be who we are.

Little sis, we need to talk. XXX

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Flying High

There have been times in my life when I have retreated deep inside my petrified soul; turned to stone by ugly, outside influences, oppressed and seemingly defeated by this artificial world.

The park and the beautiful dog whose owner used him to lure me into undergrowth.....
The surgeon who nearly killed me.
Divorce. (You'd have thought I would have learnt the first time)!
Miscarriage...not just my own.
And the loss of beloved family.

There are so many other factors that added to the horror, such as being penniless and temporarily homeless for a short while. Being bullied in the workplace and suffering a public tribunal farce. Menopause...... quelle horreur! Sibling rivalry, (for rivalry read belligerent, prolonged warfare).

But although I have not forgotten, I have definitely learned to overcome and to get on with this fragile existence by doing the best I possibly can. I found out who I was when I was just a child. Those voyages to the depths of my soul, where I could hide and heal, were the beginnings of self enlightenment. Strangely, though, no-one else around me seemed able to access this psychic remedy.

 I would be about 10 years old when I taught myself to meditate. It was a necessary escape from a life that held no comfort; only problems and more problems to defeat. The relaxation techniques opened countless doorways to happiness, adventure, knowledge and strength. I could visit anywhere in the Universe, experience flying through galaxies, water or time, find answers to my problems, receive knowledge and understanding in a twinkling and fathom healing and the oneness of life.

My parents were astonished that I described my departed grandfather and our long conversation. I didn't know the gentleman when he was alive but I got to know him afterwards. I was three years old and I can still remember how he looked, what he was wearing, how he smelled and his loving demeanor. He reached out to me then and he still does to this day.

I have found my soul mate. It's taken most of my life to find him but I don't care about that, I am so overjoyed to have all his love, his complete understanding, his sense of adventure, of laughter and that unending quest, that enlightening search for the Truth. Together, we travel unknown paths and discover the natural powers of the Universe and life.

So, this is my opening blog. There are many experiences I want to share with  you and it should get easier from here.